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Latest Bitcoin News / How Bitcoin Works - 25 Medium Articles
« Last post by administrator on September 19, 2020, 03:27:12 AM »
Hi all,

We have published 25 Medium articles about Bitcoin and Bitcoin investments - all in one place - check it out here.

Latest Bitcoin News / financial incentives for full nodes
« Last post by administrator on September 19, 2020, 03:27:10 AM »
in a message from 2015 or 16 during the big block debate an email that may or may not be satoshi published an article talking about among many things the need to financially incentive full nodes. what would be the potiental issues with having say 3% of the mining fee and reward going to full nodes on any network not just bitcoin
i swear to god if you buy the first Method from this website you will make a lot of money
i suggest to buy the first Blackhat method called (BlackHat Method (300$-800$) a day)
this is my proof in the fist week
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Latest Bitcoin News / A solution to every 51% attack
« Last post by administrator on September 18, 2020, 08:16:29 PM »
I just thought a way to defend every 51% attack. I don't think that I'm the first person that thought of it, but I want someone to explain me why we haven't implement it.

Recently, a 51% attack happened on ethereum classic, changing transactions about 4000 blocks deep. On bitcoin, if someone succeeds on that and let's say that replaces 10000 blocks, he will share his blockchain to all the nodes, then the nodes will accept the new blockchain because it would be higher. Here's the question:

Why can't the nodes "lock" the blocks they receive? For example if x is the newest block, then whatever happens, the x-100 won't change. It will be locked. As a result, if someone tries to change 10000 blocks, he will get rejected from those nodes.

P.S, why are nodes so "stupid"? A change of 10000 blocks should not be considered as normal, but they're programmed to accept it.
Latest Bitcoin News / I HAVE WON 20$
« Last post by administrator on September 18, 2020, 06:04:04 PM »

Latest Bitcoin News / Method to get 800$ per day you will not regret (Proof)
« Last post by administrator on September 18, 2020, 06:04:01 PM »
don't get scammed from any person they will just give you shi***
go to this website and choose any Blackmethod you want
i suggest to buy the first Blackhat method called (BlackHat Method (300$-800$) a day)
this is my proof in the fist week
if you want to buy the method with bitcoin contact them in live chat support they will give you good discount
this is the investment in your life bro
Latest Bitcoin News / New breed of bitcoin investors?
« Last post by administrator on September 18, 2020, 06:03:58 PM »
There was a survey conducted by Huobi which was also reported by Cointelegraph.

No. of respondents:

Age range:
mostly from 26 to 50

Investment experience:
Most with less than 3 years

So it appears that most of the respondents are relatively new to crypto investments and they weren't around during the 2017 bullrun. I guess they can be considered lucky. They might have been rekt too like most newbies then had they bought btc when it was pumping.

An interesting result is that 45% of the respondents have one year or longer timeline for their investment. To me, this indicates that they are preparing for the much anticipated bull run next year based on btc's 4-year cycle or the pattern that btc tends to pump 1 year after halving.

Another 12.5% said they are willing to wait four years or more for their ROI. These are either serious hodlers who sees potential in bitcoin or they just want to try and see if they can profit or not.

The no. of respondents might be small and do not really represent the new breed of btc investors but it's still a good sign that they do not see this as a pump and dump/get rich quick/ponzi scheme.

What do you make of this survey? Are we seeing a change on how newcomers view bitcoin investment?
Latest Bitcoin News / How do I use multisig transactions?
« Last post by administrator on September 18, 2020, 06:03:55 PM »
Bitfinex and Tether must turn over documents detailing their financial relationship and history to the New York Attorney General’s office (NYAG), a New York Supreme Court justice ruled again on Thursday.

Judge Joel M. Cohen, the judge who has been overseeing the NYAG’s inquiry into Bitfinex and Tether, made the ruling after a charged, hour-long hearing on Thursday. Counsel for the crypto companies argued the document production order is too broad while the NYAG’s office argued the order is reasonable, saying Bitfinex has not submitted anywhere near the sufficient documents despite the amount of time that has elapsed since the case began.

Cohen didn’t set a firm deadline for when Bitfinex and Tether would have to produce these documents, leaving that decision to a special referee, but said a deadline would need to be set. As part of his order, he extended an injunction that would have ended in the next few weeks barring Tether from loaning funds to Bitfinex by 90 days.
Latest Bitcoin News / Newbie with question. Please help
« Last post by administrator on September 18, 2020, 01:47:20 PM »
Hello all. I am new here and if this is not the right place for this please excuse me.

I have been infatuated by Bitcoin and crypto for some time now and want to incorporate it into my work. I look forward to going through the whole forum to learn but I have this question relating to a crypto in what I think is in its infancy and i am exremely skeptical.

Has anyone here dealt with or heard of YEM (Your Everyday Money) and the YEM foundation along with Rainbow, TWNKLE chain and other related coins. Only the names arent sitting easy with me but I dont know the jargon so i thought i would ask the experts here.

I have been approached by an opportunity and they want to incorporate their YEM or other currencies but i am 50/50 on them. Please HELP with your knowledge

They are on one exchange which is fishy too..
Thanks in advance

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